

  1. The Console

  2. To interact, test and understand JS, we use the browser console.

    cmd + option + J - Chrome Console

  3. Primitives

  4. There are 5 primitive data types

  5. Variables

  6. Variables are containers that store values

    There are different conventions to write variables in js:

    1. camelCase (most common)
    2. snake_case
    3. kebab-case

    var myVariable = myValue;

    They can store any kind of value

            var name = "juan";
            var age = 33;
            var isMarried = false;

    We can recall a stored value by calling the variable name:

            var name = "Thom";
            "Hello " + name; // "Hello Thom"
            var num = 42;
            num + 3; // 45

    We can also update a value in axisting variables:

            var name = "Juan";
            name; // "Juan"
            name = "Jack";
            name; // "Jack"

    Variables can change their type (Dynamic typing)

    ES6 added new variable types

  7. Built-in Methods

  8. There are a lot of methods, but the most common built-in methods in the browser are:

            var userName = prompt("Hello, what's your name?");
            console.log("I'm Console, nice to meet you " + userName);
            alert("I'm Alert, also nice to meet you " + userName);
            // EXERCISE
            // prompt age
            var age = prompt("What's your age");
            // eval age in days + leap years
            var ageInDays = age * 365.25;
            // print years in days
            console.log("You've lived roughly: " + ageInDays + " days");

  9. Including JS files

  10. We can write JS directly between script tags, but it can become difficult to mantain.

                // your JS code

    Most of the time we include a separate JS file with the HTML script tag.

            <script src="path/to/file" type="text/javascript"></script>

  11. Control Flow

  12. Boolean Logic

    Statements –or a combination of statements– that evaluate to either true or false.

  13. Functions

  14. Wrap bits of code into reusable packages. One of the building blocks of JS.

            // Function Declaration
            function doSomething() {
              console.log('Do it!');
            // Function Expression
            var doSomething = function() {
              console.log('Do it!');
            // Referring a fn()
            // Calling/Executing a fn()


    A value we pass to a fn(val).

            // With one argument
            function square(num) {
              console.log(num * num);
            square(10); // 100
            square(3); // 9 
            // Multiple arguments
            function area(length, width) {
              console.log(length * width);
            area(9,2) // 18

    The Return keyword

    Sending back the output value of a fn().

    Input -> function() -> Output

            function square(n) {
              return n * n;
            "The square of 101 is: " + square(101);
            // "The square of 101 is: 10201"
            // fn() that capitalizes the first char of a given string
            function capitalize(str) {
              if(typeof str === "number") {
                return "That's not a string!"
              return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
            var city = "quito";
            capitalize(city); // "Quito"
            capitalize(22); // "That's not a string!"
            // Ex.
            function isEven(n) {
              if(n%2===0) {
                return true;
              } else {
                return false;
            // Ex shortcut
            function isEven(n) {
              return n % 2 === 0;
            // Ex2
            function factorial(num) {
              var result = 1;
              for(var i = 2; i <= num; i++) {
                result *= i;
              return result;
            // Ex3
            function kebabToSnake(str){
              var nuStr str.replace(/-/g, "_");
              return nuStr;


    The context the code is executed in.

    Global Scope vs. Local Scope

            // Global Scope
            var x = 10;
            function someMath() {
            someMath(); // 10
            // Local Scope
            var x = 10;
            function moreMath() {
              var x = 99;
            moreMath(); // 99

    Global scopes can be used inside a fn() but local scopes cannot be used outside a fn().

    Higher Order Functions

    Functions that take a fn() as an argument, or return another fn().

            // setInterval();
            function sing() {
              console.log('lalala! lala! la!');
            // we pass the sing fn() without parens, because we don't execute the fn(). setInterval() does.
            setInterval(sing, 2000);
            // We can also define the function inside setInterval() as an anonymous fn()
            setInterval(function() {
              console.log("I'm an anonymous function!");
            }, 3000);

  15. Arrays

  16. [Data Structure] - Group data in comma-separated lists.

    Arrays are zero-indexed.

            // Initialize an empty array
            var friends = [];
            var friends = new Array();
            // Define the array
            var friends = ["Tron", "Morlis", "Alvaro", "Irene", "Carlos"];
            console.log(friends[1]); // "Morlis"
            // Update or add values
            friends[0] = "Jose";
            var friends = ["Jose", "Morlis", "Alvaro", "Irene", "Carlos"];
            // Length Property
            friends.length; // 5
            // Can contain any type of data
            var randomArr = [11, "Hello", true, {object: 1}, ["otherArrays"], null];

    Built-in Methods

    JS has many built-in methods to manipulate arrays.

    Array Iteration